Unpacked | News | Inspiration
Should there be a frequent flyer tax?
A new report by Stay Grounded and the New Economics Foundation has found that introducing a frequent flyer levy could reduce air travel emissions by 21% and raise £54bn a year.
Europe 101 – An American’s guide to vacations in Europe
Europe travel 101 for insider tips and hints to plan the best holiday in Europe.
Unpacked: What is slow travel?
If you’ve ever wondered what slow travel really is, how the slow travel movement began, or what it’s got to do with slow food, read on.
Europe train travel 101
Train travel 101 for all your burning questions about train travel in Europe and what it’s really like.
Unpacked: Leave No Trace
Can you use the seven principles of Leave No Trace on your next holiday, joining a movement to protect nature and outdoor space?
Unpacked: Sustainability and social impact
Can travel and tourism support social sustainability and have a positive social impact on local communities?
Unpacked: Edge Season Travel
Just one simple change to extend your summer and have a positive economic impact on the places you explore.
Unpacked: Decarbonising travel
How Byway - and you - can challenge the carbon-heavy status quo of the travel industry.
A look back on 2020 - Byway’s founding year
2020. A year like no other, and the one in which Byway was born. We founded Byway this year to help more people discover the joys of travelling through the world rather than flying over it. As the year of the pandemic draws to a close and a year of large-scale vaccine rollouts dawns, here are our reflections on our founding year.